Yep in many ways we were in a different world one year ago. We have such special memories of China.
Fast forward to one year later.....Miss Clarissa Yanhai Lauzon has taken over!!!! She even drives!!!!
Ok...she doesn't drive, but she does just about everything else. We are so blessed, and we love this wonderful person so much. It has been a fantastic year watching Clarissa grow, learn, and change.
Last week my beautiful wife and I celebrated our 7th Anniversary and took a quick trip to Toronto with Clarissa for a couple of days. She was great during the flights. We stopped by the CNE:
Clarissa had her first swim in a pool and looooooooooooved it hugely!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was very happy to find out that Mommy brought Dolly and Mr. Bunny for her to sleep with in the hotel room.
The hotel had some super long spaghetti that she had lots of fun eating with Mommy.
We went to the Royal Ontario Museum to see the Terracotta Army exhibit which was very cool. I have a follow up on this....but I will save it.
We also took Clarissa's first subway ride. Other than the big loud noise, the smell, and the strange looking people....she loved it!!! Ok...didn't smell too bad. That was just me throwing it in for comedic value......
Much more has gone on also, such as having a special group of people over for dinner....I'll post more about that later...maybe tomorrow.
More to come....
Hmmm maybe I have given you too many images of cuteness for one post.....perhaps I should be spreading them out more......should I maybe take a few out and save them????? What?????? I better not????? Or else?????? Oh....ok.......
Wait....who said that???? Is someone there???? Is someone really there?????