Friday, August 28, 2009

Biiiiiiiiiiiiig stretch!!!!!!!!

Day 2 begins!!
Just getting up from a much needed sleep. Our first night went well.
Thanks to those who let me know that my post worked! Please keep in mind that I can't check to see how things look when I if it looks funny at any point that's why. You should also keep in mind that there will likely typos galore since I can't get the hang of this teeny tiny keyboard. Maybe I'll start dictating to Carolyn and have her type it (ummmmm.....that's one of those 'let's not share this with Carolyn' comments....what's that Honey??? Me???Nothing...just surfing...)
I can't wait to see what I wrote last night because I was so fried I can't remember at all. I'm sure that it was good though ;-)
So time to shower, head to the buffet for breakfast, and off to do some walking. What are we seeing today again??? Oh ya, we're going to see an old, old temple.
I post more, with pics later.. 

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